Friday 28 February 2014

Target Audience & Genre

My magazine is primarily directed at teenagers between the ages of 15-18, however it could appeal to people in their 20’s as well.  I decided to aim it at this target audience as, being in this target audience myself I feel that I could relate to the magazine and put my own ideas on what people of this age gap would want. The kind of teenagers I wanted aim the magazine at was, laid back individuals with a care free attitude and who have an interest in rock music. By not aiming the magazine at a specific sex, it allows there to be a bigger market for the magazine and therefore potentially increase the sales of the magazine!
When researching on what genre to base my magazine on, I noticed that there was not many rock magazines for teenagers.  As the only other magazine that has this audience and genre is ‘KERRANG!’, therefore I thought that it would be a good idea to use ‘KERRANG!’ for a rough guide line for my magazine.  However, due to both music magazines being the same genre and audience, I  decided to base the music on popular chart rock music.

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