Wednesday 19 February 2014


  1. What is the prefer​​red colour scheme?
a)      Red, black and white
b)      Yellow, orange and red
c)       Blue, purple and pink
d)      Green, pink and white                             

      2.       Which title do you prefer for the magazine?
a)      King Of Rock
b)      Reckless
c)       Royalty

      3.       Which would you prefer for the text on the front cover?
a)      Aligned to the right
b)      Aligned to the left
c)       Both sides of the page

      4.       What is the preferred mode of address?
     a)  Formal
     b) Chatty
     C) Informative

      5.       Which would you prefer for the front cover?
        a)      Busy
        b)      Sparse

      6.       Would you prefer the same of different fonts for the front cover?
a)      Same
b)       Different

7.       How many pictures would you like alongside the feature article photograph on the front cover?             
a)      None
b)      One
c)       Two
d)      Three

      8.       What tone of the magazine would you prefer?
a)      Serious
b)      Comic

      9.       Which puff do you prefer?
b)      BLINK-182 SPILLS
c)       CATCH UP WITH BLINK-182

      10.   Do you like the idea of the text being organised into columns for the contents page?
      b) No

      11.   Which do you prefer for the contents page?
a)      One picture
b)      Two pictures
c)       Three pictures

      12.   Do you like the idea of a running head for the magazine?
       b) No

      13.   What font would you prefer for the main body of text in the feature article?
       a)Microsoft New Tai Lue
       b) Times New Roman
       c) Britannic Bold
       d) Tahoma

      14.   How much money are you willing to pay for the weekly magazine?
a)      £1.00-£1.50
b)      £1.50-£2.00
c)       £2.00-£2.50

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