Monday 17 February 2014

KERRANG! Double Page Analysis




                 The first thing I notice about the article is, that it has carried on the same busy theme from the front cover, this is seen through the bright daring colour they have chose for the background; purple. It has also carried on this idea of sound and noise as one of the members from the band is holding a mega phone, the same prop used for the front cover, this could suggest that this is what defines the band. The circles behind the picture which add to the bright background, give the impression that they are sound waves; the same visual image used on the front cover. The circles also act as border or template for the headline and standfirst as the text mirrors the shape of the circle. The fact that the text is at a jaunty angle is very unique and portrays a laid back tone to the article. Adding to the uniqueness of the article the standfirst is opposite the headline unlike many standfirst’s which are normally positioned under the headline. Due to the text mirroring the shape of the circle it conveys that the text is being shouted out by Kellin, this is supported by his facial expression, this mise-en-scene also links in with the standfirst as it uses words such as “big noise” and “loudest voice” which creates a comic tone to the article as they are exaggerating his loud voice with the mega phone.
                The article uses different fonts for the different sections, which further emphasises the busy theme they have conveyed and also separates the different parts of the article. They also use a range of different font sizes throughout the article, the biggest font size being the most important words for example the headline, which ties in with the idea of him shouting out the text in his mega phone as it is on the sound wave. The name of the lead singer and the band are also in a bigger font size and a different colour to exaggerate the importance of their name and it also stands out from the page so when people are flicking through the magazine, their name will catch their eye as the yellow text contrasts from the purple background. This has the same effect for the running head used, which would also stand out as it has used a different running head compared to the other pages in the magazine; this adds to the uniqueness of the article.
              The article uses many pictures to use up any negative space and to also show the reader that they are fun and entertaining as the action shots of them give the impression that they don’t take life too seriously. The article also uses fillers to use up any negative space and to also give a comic tone to the magazine. This comic tone is also conveyed in the pictures captions for example “Gabe was crushed by Kellin’s giant elbow”, which gives light hearted comedy and therefore shows that they are aiming the magazine at a younger audience, which can also be seen by the loud and busy theme. Not only do the fillers make the text look lively it also adds in colour to the article.
                The text is arranged into columns which mean that it is easy to read and looks professional; however the text appears to shape the pictures of the band which conveys that they are still the main focus point on the article and are therefore more important than the text.
                The article talks a lot about the bands success and includes many statistics to show the reader how they are slowly becoming more famous, which gives the article an informative mode of address, it also gives the impression that the magazine are selling the band and are therefore selling the magazine as “rock’s newest heroes” are featuring in it. There is also quite a chatty mode of address as they use colloquial language throughout the article to connect to the younger audience, as well as taboo language; which is highlighted in the pull quotes such as “I DON’T WANT TO GO HANG OUT WITH THE PRESIDENT AND TALK ABOUT SHIT”. The frequent taboo language shows that the article is aimed at young adults such as teenagers, as anyone younger than this would not be appropriate.

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