Monday 17 February 2014

NME Contents Page Analysis

                The contents page has the similar layout to a newspaper, this is due to the columns that separate the text and photos giving it an organised and clutter free look. This idea is also supported by the font title “INSIDE THIS WEEK”, it uses parallel font to one which a newspaper would use. Because the text and photos are in columns and sections it means that the reader can easily see what is on each page; especially the main articles. This is made obvious to the reader which are the main articles from the giant red numbers which are also surrounded by a white box to emphasize their importance and so that they stand out from the page.
                The contents page uses lots of different colours to make it look eye catching which gives it a fun tone; there are also lots of pictures used to break up the text, so it does not look dull and boring. All of the pictures are straight and aligned apart from the Franz Ferdinand picture, this could suggest that as it is the only photo that is at a jaunty angle it is more important than the others as the band also feature on the feature article photograph. Due to the jaunty angle it catches your eye so therefore this very affective, as they don’t make it obvious.
                Instead of having sub headings for each main article featuring in the magazine, they have used sells instead, this gives the reader a short snippet of what the article is like and the tone of it, for example “”OPEN YOUR EYES: TURN THEM DOWN””. To us this does not make sense, so therefore it makes the reader want to find out what he means. The reader is also clear of who the article is about as it has a picture above each sell.
                They have used the same font for each of the sections in the columns apart from the article in the middle about David Bowie this could be to mix it up and it also could suggest that this article is important. Although they have used the same fonts for the other sections and have made a pattern of making the sell Bold and then normal and then Bold and so on. This gives the magazine a rhythm and a beat which relates back to music. It also ties in with the front cover where the lights used on the arrows used two different colours one after another as well.
                The mode of address is very informative as it strictly gives the information on what articles are in the magazine and on what page. This relates to the target audience of people who are rock fans as they don’t need all chatty conversation like mode of address.
                The main focus point of the contents page is the subscribe to NME advertisement, as it is the only section on the contents page that uses a bright red background (apart from the page numbers). It allows NME to promote their magazine and use up any negative space that would have been there.
                In conclusion it is clear to see that the target audience is people who are interested rock music and who are not bothered about a chatty mode of address. It is very informative and tells you all you need to know about what is featuring in the magazine.

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