Wednesday 19 February 2014

Questionnaire Results Analysis

After I had gathered and tallied the results from the questionnaires, I decided to create a design brief to keep me on track when making the magazine and so that I took into consideration what my target audience wanted;

 From the results collected from the questionnaires, I have found that the majority of the twenty six people I questioned preferred the red, black and white colour scheme. As a result I shall be using this colour scheme for the magazine which are also the same colours as most other rock magazines use. This suggests that my target audience may like a conventional music magazine. I am going to name my magazine ‘RECKLESS’, due to this being the most popular mast head chosen from my target audience. I also feel that it mirrors the young target audiences care free attitude. Because of the younger target audience I am       appealing to and the results collected I have decided to use a light hearted comic tone, this means I will     use comedy on things like the photos captions and on some of the language used for the feature article. Following on from this the mode of address will also be chatty and friendly and the language used will be colloquial so it appeals to the young audience which means that reader can relate to the magazine. Because of what I am calling my magazine; “RECKLESS”, I want to carry on this care free attitude the title conveys so I have decided to have a busy front cover. This means that the cover will contain lots of plugs and puffs as well as cover lines about what the magazine contains. Carrying on this idea of having a busy front cover, the text will be at different angles on the page; especially the puffs so they stand out and look eye catching. Lastly the text will be in different fonts to convey this chaotic vibe and will also add to the effect of a busy front cover. From looking over the results I noticed that there is a similarity to the magazine 'KERRANG', as they use a similar colour scheme to what I will be using and their magazines too create a loud and chaotic vibe, therefore I will be using this magazine for inspiration when designing my magazine.

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