Monday 17 February 2014

METAL HAMMER Contents Page Analysis

                        The font used for the title “contents” fits in very well with the rock genre. It has an edgy, unique look to it and looks as if it is written in blood as the font looks splattered and messy. This idea is supported by the red boarder that surrounds it and the fact that looks as it is dripping exaggerates this idea of blood. This font is also used for the titles on the other pages of the magazine to make it look consistent and give the same connotations throughout the magazine of danger and death. They have also used the same fonts for the names and subheadings on the contents page this makes it look coordinated and professional.
The magazine has three contents pages, this illustrates that they have a lot of information and news in their magazine and so they need to let everyone know what is where. The first page is about the main articles featuring in that edition of Metal Hammer. The main picture on there is of Metallica who also featured on the feature article photograph, this shows that they are the main article of the magazine and therefore it is important that people know what page they are featuring on. This idea is supported by the page number; it is white unlike the other page numbers that are in red and also has a bigger font size this shows that it is vital that everyone knows what page they are on as they are the main attraction. The only recognition that it is Metallica is the small sub heading of their name in the left hand corner this shows that they are popular enough not to have to make it obvious who they are by having their name in fancy big fonts. It could also show that the target audience are people who are interested in heavy rock music as other people may not recognise this band.
The first page also has three smaller photos of the main articles featuring in that edition, however these pictures are not of the artists they are screenshots of the pages. They may have done this to give a preview of what the page looks like so when looking for that article the reader knows what they are looking for. It also means that people picking it up in the shop may be more persuaded to buy it gives them a quick preview of what the main articles look like without having to flick through the magazine to find them. The page numbers attract the reader’s eye as they are in a harsh red boarder that looks like the shape of a bookmark so it looks visually effective and links it to a literacy aspect.
The overall layout of the contents pages look organised and are easy to read due to the text and pictures being separated into different columns and boxes. It gives the overall tone of the magazine a serious impression as it uses harsh colours such as black and red and there are no jokes or colloquial language like other rock magazines sometimes have. This shows that the target audience are for people of the older audience who are fans of the stereotypical heavy rock music. The pages also contain many images to keep it visually appealing and entertaining to the reader and this also breaks up the text. The important details on the contents pages are in red so that they stand out from the other plain colours use and to grab the reader’s attention. For example the page numbers are in red and also the names of the musicians featuring on there.
The next contents page contains the editors’ letter, where he promotes and briefly explains what is happening in this edition. This editors’ letter is a lot longer than other magazines so therefore gives the impression that a lot is going on in this month’s edition. He also promotes the bands who are featuring in the magazine by labelling their success such as “sold over a hundred million records” and “been around the world a few times”, this shows that the band is very popular and therefore sells it to the reader as this popular band is featuring in this magazine. It is also refers directly to the reader by using personal pronouns such as “you” and “you’re”.
Following on from this they also promote the IPAD edition of Metal Hammer, by again referring directly to the reader, for example “EXCLUSIVE METAL YOU WON’T FIND ANYWHERE ELSE” this promotes the virtual magazines status.  The sub heading “ON THE IPAD EDITION” also has a red border around it which connotes blood, this again ties in with the effect the contents title has as it looks blood dripping and being smudged, which conveys danger.
In conclusion the magazine appeals to the heavy rock fans as it creates a serious tone through the use of colours, pictures and house style used.

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